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Spirituality is mental health

Writer: Kate StacomKate Stacom

Hello Beautiful Soul,

June is National PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Awareness Month and with this, has been my reflection on what my intuition and spirituality has done for my PTSD, specifically the perinatal PTSD that I experienced as a result of my daughter's life threatening diagnosis in utero . A lot of this inner work and reflection has helped me to affirm my belief that my spirituality has provided incredible resilience and benefits for my mental health and overall wellbeing.

One of the most widely asked questions when people found out I was having another baby after the trauma I went through with my first born was, how? How did I have the courage to do it again?

In fact, only a few weeks before my sons birth, we were at my daughter’s full day of appointments with her team of specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital. Knowing our journey, those medical providers also asked "how." They had seen the depths of the journey we went on and what other parents they support go through and were lovingly curious how my mental health was. My answer every single time was “I just know it will be okay.“

Being intuitive doesn’t mean you are without hardships. For me, the hardships still come, but my connection to soul and spirit are my compass when I need to sail the rough water. They help me stay present in the current while staying hopeful for land.

I always had an inner knowing that this baby would not have the congenital defect that my daughter had. He would be okay and we would all be okay. During my pregnancy with my son, Spirit would often show me signs clairvoyantly of him at various ages throughout his life. Spirit knew I needed this confirmation and so, it was there. My faith and confidence in Spirit supported me through the experience of my daughter’s first two years here on Earth and I knew I could trust this connection to not lead me astray. In fact, we all joked that even though my son did not have a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, we still faced perinatal challenges (as most people do). I had gestational diabetes with my son and was monitoring my glucose four times per day and I ended up being induced which was the last thing I wanted after the medical trauma I went through with my daughters induction. Yet, the BIG whammy was that on Christmas Day, one day after we were discharged from the hospital, we all tested positive for COVID-19. All chances of a “normal” postpartum period were shifted once again. But you know what? I knew we would be safe. I knew this little three day old baby would be safe because Spirit showed me this over and over again. In my heart, I had confidence that this was part of my soul’s path to experience this and so I anchored down and let the waves pass by me. This is the power of connecting to Spirit. There is hope. There is clarity and there is surrender. During times of struggle, our mind tries to harbor control and shift direction as much as possible. Yet, at the end of the day, we are truly where we are needed. We come out of it and find glimmering meaning in it all. For me, it was the commitment to and reminder of my steadfast faith in Spirit and my soul’s journey. By leaning in, I reminded myself that I was able to receive the lesson of growth and healing. Healing the fear and disconnect from myself during the perinatal period of my first born. Letting go of the expectation that I know what should be and really experience the gratitude of what is.

Here are some questions to support you in identifying the role that your intuition or spirituality has in your mental wellness:

1. How does your connection to something greater positively influence your mental wellness?

a. What ways are you reminded of this connection during your everyday life?

b. What ways have you been reminded of this connection during hardships?

2. Do you desire further connection to something greater?

a. If so, how can you create more space within your everyday life to strengthen this relationship?

b. If no, why not? What is this communicating to you about your spirituality and life at this time?

As always, I am here for you and cheering you on!

All my love,

Kate Stacom, MSW, LICSW

Clinically-Informed & Soul-Centered

"Bridging Mental Health and Spirituality to Help Your Soul Shine"



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Sessions are held at Kate's office in Scituate Harbor, Scituate MA or via Zoom.

Kate Stacom is committed to your personal well-being and healing. However, the services that Kate provides are not in the capacity of a mental health professional and Kate will not provide you with mental health counseling or advice. Nothing contained on the site, services or opinions/recommendations offered by Kate Stacom should be construed as any form of or substitute for such medical, psychological advice or diagnosis. You are urged and advised to seek the advice of a mental health professional or physician for such an evaluation.  Kate Stacom’s services may not be right for you and she makes no commitments or guarantees of any kind that any part of her offering or your use thereof will meet your requirements or expectations.​​ Kate Stacom shall not be liable for any decisions and/or actions taken based on the information given in a session. Specific results are not guaranteed and there is no assurance that previous results can be duplicated in the future.

If you are under 18 years of age a legal guardian must be present with you for the appointment. If you are under 18 years of age, you are not eligible to purchase an Intuitive Check-In. Please note that although Kate makes every effort to send video recordings back to you and hold zoom meetings in a protected manner, she cannot guarantee a secure online connection and is not responsible for any security breach. 

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